Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Where Did Week 4 Go?

This class is almost more "fun" than I can handle. I've just started some of the week five stuff, but I still have my PowerPoint to complete. I did 3 slides last night, but found myself oddly transfixed by the how-to videos online. I thought the copyright stuff was a bit confusing and the articles that we were asked to read and skim weren't really helpful to me as a teacher. I was thankful that some of the other students posted links to articles that I felt were more relevant.

The confusion over due dates and assignments is still rearing its ugly head. I don't like when it says one thing under the weekly course content and then another thing when you go to actually post the assignment in the drop box. The copyright stuff under the weekly content said to reply to one person, the assignment drop box said reply to two! And the directions for doing the podcast seemed to change from when I first looked at them to when I actually needed them. I am also sick of writing a discussion post and then having to write a reflection on the same thing! It's getting pretty repetitive. I do think it would be more helpful if this class required us to meet for an hour once a week and then do the rest online.

Okay, now I've gotten all that off my chest I feel a bit better. Better get back to that PowerPoint.

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