Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Week 3? Or Maybe 4 -- Who Knows!

The frustration level among members of the cohort seems to be running pretty high -- me included. I knew it was too good to be true that we had extra time on week 2 and now it's come back to bite me (and lots of others) in the bum because now I have week 3 to finish and week 4 to start. Tonight we were sent a handy list of the weeks and topics but for some strange reason the due dates REALLY don't match up with the week numbers! I guess it doesn't really matter -- it's all got to get done sometime, but I am having a hard time keeping up with a full-time job, running after 2 kids, completing all of my school work and trying to keep my house in some sort of shape. I can't even remember the last time I vacuumed! I don't even want to think about the relatives coming for Thanksgiving! Thank goodness my husband is picking up some of the slack! I've done everything for week 3 except the podcast -- I just have to write the script and then figure out how to record it! Piece of cake, right? I guess I'd better get back to that rather than blather on here!

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